How I miss them
A beautiful family
I just love them

Near and dear to my heart
Love is all around
Nothing could be better
Monday, June 08, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ok it is time to work on attitudes. I have been struggling so much with this. I find myself making judgement calls about people that I have no business doing. And most of the time they are dead wrong. We don't know what goes on in everyone's lives on a daily basis. We can't read their minds and always see their ways. I am trying so hard to remember that. And even though I say these things I still on a daily basis find myself still doing it. I can only hope and pray that in time I can become slower about making these calls and eventually not be making them at all. I truly do wish we could be young children all the time. I watch them and love them for their innocence and acceptance of people for who they are and not what you see or think you see. Oh God, I pray for guidance and wisdom that only you can provide.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I am sitting here in Pittsburgh pondering over how quickly time seems to fly by. I am enjoying my time with my son, his girlfriend and their children. Who would have ever pictured this. I watched last night as they all interacted together. The kids are beautiful and the love they have for their mom and dad is tremendous. There was a time a long time ago.....................that we were doing the same thing. I thank God for the opportunity to be able do this now. What a wonderful gift God gives to us. It seems as though often we take all around us for granted. I speak for myself especially. I forget to enjoy what is rather than what I want it to be. Shame on me. And shame if I forget this blog and the message behind it. Every day is a special day. Happy Valentine's Day by the way.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I am sitting here relaxing and listening to Jim Brickman's christmas music. As I listen and enjoy, all I can think of is this past year and all of the wonderful memories I have gathered in my mind. It brings tears of joy to my eyes and to my heart. My family has been so special and so wonderful to me. I have been to Missouri, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Colorado and even here in Florida. All over the place. And why because of family. How much more blessed can you be? No matter where I have been I have felt the awesome power of love and unity. I love everyone so much that just trying to express it seems impossible. God is ever so wonderful and wise to have created such an awesome system of support. Thank you guys for your love and just being you.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Do you know what bugs me? When you do the right things because it is right and something not so right comes out of it. Let me tell you what is eating me.
Last week Christy called me and asked me to pray for her. She was scheduled to go for a job interview at a school to fill the nurse position. She has been working at the hospital since she graduated from nursing school in June. All this time it has been orientation to the various wards in the hospital. Depending on what ward she has been assigned to depended on what hours she worked and when. On one ward she might work an eight hour shift and another one 12. One might be morning another night. Alex is a teacher. So more often than not they were not getting to see each other awake for days at a time. So Christy had been searching for a different nursing job to get day hours and more time for her honey. This job came up and she went for the interview. She knew the pay would be less but the hours and the fact it was a school would be perfect for her and Alex. Apparently the school was happy with her interview. She went today and was told she had the job. (she explained that she would be available as of October 1 since she felt obligated to give the hospital a two week notice). Right after the interview she drove over to the hospital and went to her boss. She told her the good news.She told her that she was giving her two weeks notice and would like to stay on prn so she could work as needed as a fill in. The lady told her she had to make a phone call. When she came back she was not very nice. She told Christy that it was a waste for them to have had her do the orientation. And that as of then she was gone. She would not be able to stay on as a prn nurse because she had no experience (just orientation). Christy was scheduled to work tonight. But not anymore. Her comment to me was, " if I would have known they were going to do that I would have waited until October 1 and told them I was done but I was trying to nice and fair and this is what I got for it." It's a little hard to not feel she was right. Although what she did was the correct thing to do. I am furious that the hospital would treat her like that. She has alot to offer and they will be the ones to lose out on her talents and willingness to work. What a shame for them. But there is a bright side to this, Alex is going to get some home cooked meals again starting tonight!!!!!!
Last week Christy called me and asked me to pray for her. She was scheduled to go for a job interview at a school to fill the nurse position. She has been working at the hospital since she graduated from nursing school in June. All this time it has been orientation to the various wards in the hospital. Depending on what ward she has been assigned to depended on what hours she worked and when. On one ward she might work an eight hour shift and another one 12. One might be morning another night. Alex is a teacher. So more often than not they were not getting to see each other awake for days at a time. So Christy had been searching for a different nursing job to get day hours and more time for her honey. This job came up and she went for the interview. She knew the pay would be less but the hours and the fact it was a school would be perfect for her and Alex. Apparently the school was happy with her interview. She went today and was told she had the job. (she explained that she would be available as of October 1 since she felt obligated to give the hospital a two week notice). Right after the interview she drove over to the hospital and went to her boss. She told her the good news.She told her that she was giving her two weeks notice and would like to stay on prn so she could work as needed as a fill in. The lady told her she had to make a phone call. When she came back she was not very nice. She told Christy that it was a waste for them to have had her do the orientation. And that as of then she was gone. She would not be able to stay on as a prn nurse because she had no experience (just orientation). Christy was scheduled to work tonight. But not anymore. Her comment to me was, " if I would have known they were going to do that I would have waited until October 1 and told them I was done but I was trying to nice and fair and this is what I got for it." It's a little hard to not feel she was right. Although what she did was the correct thing to do. I am furious that the hospital would treat her like that. She has alot to offer and they will be the ones to lose out on her talents and willingness to work. What a shame for them. But there is a bright side to this, Alex is going to get some home cooked meals again starting tonight!!!!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It sure has been a while since I have written on my blog. Not because I have not had things to share or nothing going on. OH MY!! I have been so busy in the past few months. And you know what? I loved every minute of it. My daughter and her husband came to visit here for a while. It was absolutely a wonderful visit. Every minute was ever so special to me. I love Christy and Alex so much. I miss not being near them. But thank you for memories and pictures.
I have been up to Pittsburgh and visited my family. I even had some of immediate family able to come and share the time with me. Life can be so precious and wonderful. I love getting to know my grandson(Kyle) whom I had only seen once since he was born. I found it quite touching that he was able to meet his cousin(David) for the first time too. It was awesome.
I also have traveled to Colorado. Woot! Woot! I can't explain how long I have wanted to go there. I enjoyed every minute of my visit. I went with my sister and brother in law. They are alot of fun to travel with!!!!Just picture as we pulled up in Jaci's garage, the door to the house being opened. And then these beautiful giggles and shreaks of delight as those beautiful children saw their "Nana & Papoo". Oh yes, that is exactly what happened.It brought tears of joy to my eyes. Any trip like that is utterly rewarding and worth it. Not only did I get a chance to visit with my exciting great nieces and nephew but also two very special wonderful nieces(Jaci & Geni) in my life (And of course a new well liked nephew in law(Jared)!!). I loved every minute of the few we had that weekend. 

I have so much to be thankful for. I love all of my family. I thank God for the opportunities I have had to spend time with them and make memories ( and lots of pictures!) I am so blessed.
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