How I miss them

How I miss them
A beautiful family

I just love them

I just love them
Near and dear to my heart

Love is all around

Love is all around

Nothing could be better

Nothing could be better

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Here it is 9/11/07. Six years ago today life changed drastically for many people. If you ask people what they were doing that day, most can remember exactly. I had been having trouble with a frozen shoulder and was sitting in an doctor's office waiting to be seen. Gosh it is as if it just happened. The memories are so real and livid. It's a great thing to know that this world is not our real home and that in time we will no longer have to deal with this. I pray for people throughout the world to find their way and let God be their guide. Thank you for my family and life I have been allowed to live. Let me never take it for granted nor take others for granted. God bless us all.