It sure has been a while since I have written on my blog. Not because I have not had things to share or nothing going on. OH MY!! I have been so busy in the past few months. And you know what? I loved every minute of it. My daughter and her husband came to visit here for a while. It was absolutely a wonderful visit. Every minute was ever so special to me. I love Christy and Alex so much. I miss not being near them. But thank you for memories and pictures.
I have been up to Pittsburgh and visited my family. I even had some of immediate family able to come and share the time with me. Life can be so precious and wonderful. I love getting to know my grandson(Kyle) whom I had only seen once since he was born. I found it quite touching that he was able to meet his cousin(David) for the first time too. It was awesome.
I also have traveled to Colorado. Woot! Woot! I can't explain how long I have wanted to go there. I enjoyed every minute of my visit. I went with my sister and brother in law. They are alot of fun to travel with!!!!Just picture as we pulled up in Jaci's garage, the door to the house being opened. And then these beautiful giggles and shreaks of delight as those beautiful children saw their "Nana & Papoo". Oh yes, that is exactly what happened.It brought tears of joy to my eyes. Any trip like that is utterly rewarding and worth it. Not only did I get a chance to visit with my exciting great nieces and nephew but also two very special wonderful nieces(Jaci & Geni) in my life (And of course a new well liked nephew in law(Jared)!!). I loved every minute of the few we had that weekend. 

I have so much to be thankful for. I love all of my family. I thank God for the opportunities I have had to spend time with them and make memories ( and lots of pictures!) I am so blessed.